3 & 4 – 2 types of Basti – Rectal Enema – The Ayurvedic enema is quite different from the regular enema given to relieve constipation. Basti treatment is adopted in wide range of diseases, predominantly of Vata imbalance. There are two types of Basti – Basti with oil and Basti with a mixture of herbal decoction, honey, salt etc.
Principle behind Basti Treatment – There are a few set of herbal active principles that do not undergo digestion, when given through oral route, either these herbal active components are destroyed due to acid in the stomach or due to metabolism of these components by liver (hepatic first pass effect). Thus, the Ayurvedic experts of ester-centuries found out the rectal route to administer the herbs, by which the herbal active components are directly made available for absorption at the level of intestines.