Yoga Kriyas
There is a section of Yoga, called Hatha Yoga. It advices about six types of therapies or Kriyas for cleansing the body and mind.
They are -
1. Neti - Purification of the Nose – Here, water is poured from one nostril and let out from the other.
There are two types of Neti:
Jala Neti – water is used and
Sutra Neti – thread is used
2. Dhauti - Purification of the Esophagus and Stomach
It is a type of emesis therapy to cleanse the esophagus and stomach.
It is of two types –
Jala Dhauti – performed with saline water. It is also called Kunjala Kriya.
Sutra Dhauti – performed with cloth
3. Nauli - Turning of the Abdominal Muscles
Helps to strengthen your core muscles and promotes digestion and metabolism.
4.a. Basti – colon cleansing
In earlier times Basti – water enema was performed in the river whilst sitting in a squatting position. With the assistance of Nauli – abdominal muscle flexing, water was sucked into the intestines and then eliminated again into the river. Now-a-days this technique is applied as an enema in order to cleanse the large intestine.
4.b. Shanka Prakshalana - Complete Cleansing of the Intestines
Shankha Prakshalana is a process or procedure to cleanse the intestinal tract so as to remove its impurities by oral administration of salt water.
Shankha Prakshalana is a term made up of two words.
Shankha = Conch
Prakshalana = Wash or cleanse
Here, one should drink about 16 glasses of warm saline water and should evacuate it through the bowels. It is a method to cleanse the entire length of gastro intestinal track.
5. Kapala Bhati -
Here, the patient is made to bend the head and upper body slightly forward. Inhale through the mouth and exhale in short, powerful bursts through the nose 25-50 times. This therapy is useful to infuse energy to each and every cell of the body. It also improves blood circulation and relieves lethargy, sinusitis and clears respiratory system.
6. Trataka –
Gazing at a burning candle for a few minutes. This improves mental clarity, concentration and alertness. It also promotes eye health.